Digicrazia: sfide e opportunità dell’Intelligenza Artificiale 

Le recenti evoluzioni dell’Intelligenza artificiale generativa con il suo impatto sul mercato di massa stanno trasformando lo scenario epistemologico: dall’interrogativo filosofico e antropologico sulla possibilità/capacità della AI di emulare/sostituire/replicare le qualità umane all’interrogativo politico su quali siano gli attori in grado di controllare gli sviluppi e le ricadute di un fenomeno in crescita esponenziale. Tra gli scienziati, gli esperti di informatica e gli imprenditori del digitale si moltiplicano gli allarmi e le richieste di interventi ai massimi livelli delle istituzioni governative, arrivando a paragonare le implicazioni di uno sviluppo incontrollato della GPT a quelle distruttive della potenza atomica. 

Gli sviluppi dell’AI si innestano e fanno da volano ai mutamenti indotti dai social con l’avvento di una platform society.  Diventa così sempre più evidente che stiamo entrando in una fase nuova di integrazione tra potere digitale e forma di governo. 


Questo numero di Rivista di Digital Politics si interroga su quali sono e/o potranno essere le trasformazioni degli attori tradizionali della scena politica nel rapporto di controllo e gestione dell’Intelligenza Artificiale e, più in generale, dei processi di digitalizzazione della vita associata. E quali potranno diventare i nuovi protagonisti che emergeranno dalla logica sempre più autonoma delle macchine e dei loro algoritmi. 


Il nuovo numero della rivista si propone di esplorare, tra gli altri, i seguenti aspetti:

  • Designing AI governance: How should governments regulate these new technologies? What is the most effective framework for AI governance?
  • Digital Sovereignty: Who guards the guardians of the AI?
  • Ethical and cultural issues related to AI: How do governments build public confidence and trust in AI?
  • Privacy and data protection: How do governments balance privacy protection with effective AI development?
  • Digital warfare: the role of satellite policing and autonomous armed systems on the battleground
  • Digital surveillance and predictive policing in mass control
  • Digital culture: The interface between AI and virtual reality in art and entertainment
  • Interest group activity and AI: How are companies that develop AI engaged in lobbying? What interests are they advancing? How can their activities be regulated?
  • The new geopolitics of AI: Which challenges for nation states and between states?
  • Artificial Intelligence and Environment: from material extraction to storage, the concrete impact of technologies on the environment
  • War in the AI Era: weapons, human factor and strategy
  • Explainability and bias of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
  • The democratic challenges of algorithms and artificial intelligence
  • What is the future of the global workforce?
  • How could public education keep the pace of these technological transformations?
  • What are the implications of AI-powered disinformation on public opinion, elections and democratic accountability?

Queste sono solo alcune delle possibili tematiche che possono essere esplorate in questo numero monografico. Sono benvenute altresì proposte di paper che affrontano il tema con diversi approcci disciplinari, senza alcuna preferenza per particolari metodi di analisi. I paper possono concentrarsi su una particolare tecnologia oppure discutere il tema della governance dell’AI in senso più ampio.

Gli studiosi interessati a partecipare sono invitati a inviare un abstract entro e non oltre il 10/09/2023. L’abstract deve essere compreso entro le 800 parole (inclusa una bibliografia essenziale), più una nota di presentazione dell’autore o degli autori di massimo 100 parole. Tutti i materiali e le comunicazioni relativi alla pubblicazione vanno inviati all’indirizzo: redazione@digitalpolitics.it.

Chi ha inviato l’abstract riceverà una risposta entro il 18/09/2023 e dovrà eventualmente inviare il proprio contributo entro il 20/11/2023. I contributi dovranno essere compresi tra le 6mila e le 8mila parole, note e bibliografia comprese. Le Web Reviews comprendono review articles e pezzi tra le 4mila e 6mila parole. Gli articoli possono essere scritti in inglese o in italiano. Tutti gli articoli saranno sottoposti a referaggio anonimo.

Digicracy: challenges and opportunities from Artificial Intelligence 

 Recent developments in generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), with its impact on the mass market, are transforming the epistemological scenario – from the philosophical and anthropological questioning of the possibility/capability of AI to emulate/replace/replicate human qualities to the political questioning of which actors are able to control the developments and spillovers of an exponentially growing phenomenon. Alarms and calls for action at the highest levels of government institutions are multiplying among scientists, computer scientists and digital entrepreneurs, going so far as to compare the implications of uncontrolled GPT development to the destructive implications of atomic power. 

AI developments are grafted onto and drive social-induced changes with the advent of a platform society. It thus becomes increasingly evident that we are entering a new phase of integration between digital power and the form of government. 

This issue of the Rivista di Digital Politics asks what are and/or may be the transformations of the traditional actors of the political scene in the relationship of control and management of Artificial Intelligence and, more generally, of the processes of digitization in the society. And what may become the new actors that will emerge from the increasingly autonomous logic of machines and their algorithms. 

The new issue of the journal aims to explore, among others, the following topics:

  • Designing AI governance: How should governments regulate these new technologies? What is the most effective framework for AI governance?
  • Digital Sovereignty: Who guards the guardians of the AI?
  • Ethical and cultural issues related to AI: How do governments build public confidence and trust in AI?
  • Privacy and data protection: How do governments balance privacy protection with effective AI development?
  • Digital warfare: the role of satellite policing and autonomous armed systems on the battleground
  • Digital surveillance and predictive policing in mass control
  • Digital culture: The interface between AI and virtual reality in art and entertainment
  • Interest group activity and AI: How are companies that develop AI engaged in lobbying? What interests are they advancing? How can their activities be regulated?
  • The new geopolitics of AI: Which challenges for nation states and between states?
  • Artificial Intelligence and Environment: from material extraction to storage, the concrete impact of technologies on the environment
  • War in the AI Era: weapons, human factor and strategy
  • Explainability and bias of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
  • The democratic challenges of algorithms and artificial intelligence
  • What is the future of the global workforce?
  • How could public education keep the pace of these technological transformations?
  • What are the implications of AI-powered disinformation on public opinion, elections and democratic accountability?


The above are some of the possible questions that researchers could tackle for this special issue. We welcome papers that address them from a range of disciplinary perspectives, and we attach no priority to specific methodological approaches. Papers can focus on particular technologies or consider AI governance more broadly.

Scholars interested in participating are invited to submit an abstract no later than 09/10/2023. The abstract must be within 800 words (including an essential bibliography), plus an introductory note from the author(s) of up to 100 words. All materials and communications regarding the publication should be sent to: redazione@digitalpolitics.it. .

Those who submitted proposals will receive a response by 09/18/2023 and should eventually submit their contributions by 11/20/2023. Submissions should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words, including notes and bibliography. Web Reviews section includes review articles between 4,000 and 6,000 words. Articles may be written in English or Italian. All articles will undergo a double-blind review process.